Monday, May 28, 2007

A Magic Carpet Ride!

This is a copy of my post to my 'Happy Stamper' Blog. A long post but a 'brief' description of 'WHAT HAPPENED' at Paper Arts A Thon. Thank you to Marianne, Dave, Charlene, Paul and Stampin' Stud who came in at meal times to help out!

If I was asked to describe our first Paper Arts A Thon, this is the best description. The 24-hour event was pure magic and everything went so smoothly it MUST have been a carpet ride.

Bonnie, Holly, Jackie and I were at the Fire Hall at 8:00 am to finish off any last minute preparations. It seemed propitious that Elaine was our first Paper Artist to arrive. None of us had met Elaine before as she had heard about the event at Michael’s. When Elaine registered back in April she was pleasantly surprised to find out Paper Arts A Thon was a fundraiser for Arthritis as she is an Arthritis sufferer and that the day of the event was the 26th May as that is her birthday.
Shortly after Elaine arrived everyone started rolling in. It was so much fun greeting old friends and meeting new ones. Everyone was thrilled with their goody bags and excited to get the day underway. After ‘teary’ speeches from Holly and I, we turned the mike over to Jackie. We knew she would lift everyone’s spirit and get us all in the mood for the PARTY! She asked that everyone stand and introduce themselves, telling where they were from and how they got to attend Paper Arts A Thon. Bonnie then got the fun ‘job’ of drawing for a few door prizes!
By now you are thinking she is going to give us every little detail and how long will this post be? I won’t do that to you. I’ll just skip ahead touching on the high points and ‘surprises’.
While everyone got down to creating their own projects and participating in the Make N Takes, Jackie and Bonnie started counting the pledge sheet totals with Terry (Holly’s husband) nearby to post the totals on the ‘Thermometer’ he had created. Terry kept saying, “Can I go post another number now?” which told us he shared in our excitement. It didn’t take us long to see where this was headed, straight to the TOP and when the girls gave me their total, I nearly passed out, I had to grab the kitchen counter for support. We were in such shock over the total they decided to count it again in case there was a mistake but no, the total from the pledge sheets was $7578.00 and the Hearn’s needed to raise $7800.
Okay, if I keep posting like this, I will have a post a mile long, so I think I will just post in point form some highlights.
-the donations for the Silent Auction table, all were fabulous but there were a couple of last minute surprises. A boat trip (glad you won Alex but I wish I had the foresight to start bidding sooner). A collector’s print of Sable Island horses that was used for a postage stamp.
-Cranky pants, I won’t forget those Cranky pants wrapped around, heads, necks, Amy wearing them and pulled up to her arm pits and Angie flinging them outside, even good natured Terry got to wear them.
-Karaoke! I warned those girls that I could not sing but they made me do it! I have now discovered there is another ‘person’ living inside me and to tell you the truth ‘she’ scares me. On May 26th as one person described it, I went from a Karaoke virgin to a Karaoke slut!
-Elaine waltzing across the floor in her ‘Beautiful Sparkly Birthday’ crown.
-Alice, how can I every forget the kindness of Alice, who put together certificates for Holly, Bonnie, Jackie and myself, along with cards that best suited us, for everyone to sign.
-Our Belly Dancer. At 2:00 am we had everyone close their eyes and we turned out the lights. When the lights came on standing before them was the most beautiful Belly Dancer you have ever seen. With beauty and grace she danced up a storm. The room was electric with energy. This recharged us for the remainder of the night. After her beautiful dance she passed out scarves and coined skirts for a few brave souls to try their hand or hips at Belly Dancing. Our sweet Holly took to this like a duck to water and wore that coined skirt for HOURS (slightly embellished here for you Sandra).
-THE PARAMEDIC! Now if you were a participant you would know that Jackie had been sending out emails to everyone and in a couple of them she mentioned ‘scent sensitivity’ as she suffers from this and although she is a single Mom still didn’t want a handsome Paramedic showing up to rescue her. Well, Terry heard about this and arranged for, you guessed it, a VERY GOOD LOOKING paramedic dressed in full gear, to come in to see Jackie. The stage for this couldn’t have been better; she was at the front of the room before everyone when he stepped up behind her, and the look on her face was priceless when she turned to see him there!
-HEADS OR TAILS. Taryn you truly rocked! They loved ‘ya and I do to! Thanks heaps!
-EGG ROLLS. What could egg rolls have to do with Paper Arts A Thon? Pam (who owns the Bead Store) and her husband Charlie arrived sometime after midnight with a huge bag of hot egg rolls for EVERYONE! I tell you the truth when I say; they were the BEST egg rolls I have ever eaten. The look on everyone’s faces was pure heaven. Terry just could not believe that ANYONE would show up in the middle of night like that with EGGROLLS!
-Just as I DREAMED, there sat Karen and the gals from New Brunswick. Karen sharing stamps and ideas with Jill. Amy scrapping beside them. Angie nearby making everyone laugh. Michelle making new friends. Josee and the gang keeping the creative juices going. Debbie always nearby with hugs. Gayle wired but present. Kathryn pulling it together at the last minute so she could share the experience with us. The Two Much Girls, Melissa, so glad you could make it, Ria, Paulette and Alex. Holly’s friends Gail and Millie. Always there for you, Kaye and her friend Cathy. The J J’s, Jenny-Jane and Jocelyn, along with a couple of P’s (Pam and Pam) not to be forgotten Heather (after all she is the one to have called me the Karaoke ----). Bea, so very talented Bea, sharing a table with Alice, Jaime and Elaine (half marathoners). Newfound friends and kindred spirits, Margaret, Trina, Angie and Iris.
As the wee hours rolled in we decided it best (for safety reasons) to do the final draws and make our closing remarks early. We were all worried about the Wonderful Women (Sandra, Linda, Angie, Roberta, Nancy, Pam, Joy and Karen) making the long drive home to NB. The final total, after proceeds from the Silent Auction, Make N Takes and Draws was added up, came to over $9600.00. Unbelievable in some ways but when I think of the generosity, love and spirit in the Kingston Fire Hall on the 26th and 27th of May I am not surprised!
Even before the 26th of May I was describing Paper Arts A Thon as one of the best experiences of my life! I can never fully explain what ‘happened’ on the 26th and 27th of May but I feel in many ways that we (Holly, Jackie, Bonnie and myself) were merely a vessel for all good things to come to Paper Arts A Thon. THANK YOU again, Holly, for giving me the opportunity to take part in a LIFE CHANGING experience!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last Post Until After Paper Arts A Thon

We are winding down or maybe it is UP for Paper Arts A Thon. All of the preparations are coming together. We will start loading our vehicles and heading to the Fire Hall very soon. If you are attending you will have received one final (I think that is it) email from Jackie. I look forward to seeing you at the Kingston Fire Hall on Saturday, May 26th. Registration starts at 9:00 am. I have added a few more donations to the list in the previous post. Be sure to check back next week for our Paper Arts A Thon 'results'.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Five More Days!

Only FIVE more days, I can’t believe how time has flown by. We are pretty much prepared for Paper Arts A Thon although last minute ideas keep popping up in our heads to add some finishing touches. By now, if you are attending, you have received three emails from Jackie, the last one with a checklist with ‘Things To Bring’.

You will all be working on your own projects and I am excited to see what ‘Creations’ will come from our 24 hours together. I know some of you have decided to make ‘Cards For Our Troops’ and there will be a place to deposit those. I will match each card with an envelope, as my donation to this worthy cause.

Donations keep coming in and at the end of this week I will post the remainder of them. There will be a poster at Paper Arts A Thon with the long list of people/ businesses who have made this possible.

So until Saturday, do get plenty of rest. Pack your bags as early as possible. This will allow you time to add those extra things you have forgotten. Drive safely to Paper Arts A Thon, we want you all there safe and sound.
If you are unable to attend but would like to stop in to say ‘Hello’, please feel free to do so. We are at the Kingston Fire Hall on Sparky Street in Kingston.
See you on the 26th May, our 1st Paper Arts A Thon!

Happy Stamper,
Myleta Ross

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Request

I have had a request to post ALL of the stamp sets I will be bringing (I will have a 'Book of Card Ideas' to help the card makers attending) and I will be bringing all of my inks, punches and the stamp sets listed below. I thought this might help 'Card Makers' at 2:00 am when they have almost run out of ideas. I will also bring along some scrapbooking magazines, for anyone who scrapbooks, to use. If you have scrap maps, card or scrapbooking magazines you would be willing to share please bring them along. Make sure your name is clearly marked on the outside. Be sure to scroll down to see the new donations added to the previous post.

The stamp sets I will be bringing are:
Wild About You, Wild Rose, Heartfelt Thanks, In Full Bloom, Doodle This, Bodacious Bouquet, All About You, Lovely As A Tree, Bareback, Basket Full of Fun, Simply Said, Bundle of Joy, Petal prints, Touch of Nature, Delight in Life, Seeing Spots, Big Blooms and Bugs and Kisses.

See you on the 26th!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I Knew I Would Miss Someone

I knew I would miss some names and so I have added them to the list in the previous post, highlighted in black. As donations come in I will continue to add them. Have a Great Day!

Monday, May 7, 2007


By now, if you have registered for Paper Arts A Thon you will have received an email welcoming you to Paper Arts A Thon. You will continue to receive emails from our ‘Glitter’ Gal Jackie to provide you with information about this event and give you a contact if you have any questions we have not answered.

Donations continue to pour in and I would like to acknowledge those people or businesses that have contributed (to date) to Paper Arts A Thon. If it is an individual I will list the first name only as this is not a controlled site. A full list will be posted at Paper Arts A Thon.

Businesses That Have Donated Items or Gift Certificates To Date:

Polka Dot And Prams, Michelin Tire, R D Chisholm, Kai Wing Restaurant, Valley Vacuum, Absolutely Fabulous, Fiskars, Scrapshack, T & S Office Essentials, Staples, Cinnamon Creek, Compu Pro Scrapbooking (Fredericton, NB), Nova Scotia Community College, Michaels, Bright Ideas Scrapbooking Store, South Shore Cycle, Tim Horton, T&S Office Essentials, Carsand Moshers and Heather from NB canvassed many businesses in her area, I will post the businesses later.

Individuals who Donated Items:

Rita, Pam from NB, Jackie, Jill, Bonnie, Taryn, Karen,
Bonnie, Myleta, Holly

Businesses or Individuals Who Have Provided Items To Be Raffled:

Pam, Karen, Myleta, Hairitage House, Amy Ross Massage Therapy, Pampered Chef (Millie) and Esther.

Businesses or Individuals Who Will Provide Materials For Make N Takes:

Two Much Fun, Myleta, Karen, Angie, Jackie, Bonnie, Holly, Pam and Jill

Individuals Who Have Offered To Donate Food: Myleta, Holly, Jackie, Marie, Bonnie, , David and Charlene, Karen, Debbie, Jocelyn, Margaret, Roberta and Jenny

I hope I have not omitted anyone and I will continue to up date this list.

Thank you to 'Two Much Fun' for marking ‘The Date’ on your Calendar.