Monday, May 21, 2007

Five More Days!

Only FIVE more days, I can’t believe how time has flown by. We are pretty much prepared for Paper Arts A Thon although last minute ideas keep popping up in our heads to add some finishing touches. By now, if you are attending, you have received three emails from Jackie, the last one with a checklist with ‘Things To Bring’.

You will all be working on your own projects and I am excited to see what ‘Creations’ will come from our 24 hours together. I know some of you have decided to make ‘Cards For Our Troops’ and there will be a place to deposit those. I will match each card with an envelope, as my donation to this worthy cause.

Donations keep coming in and at the end of this week I will post the remainder of them. There will be a poster at Paper Arts A Thon with the long list of people/ businesses who have made this possible.

So until Saturday, do get plenty of rest. Pack your bags as early as possible. This will allow you time to add those extra things you have forgotten. Drive safely to Paper Arts A Thon, we want you all there safe and sound.
If you are unable to attend but would like to stop in to say ‘Hello’, please feel free to do so. We are at the Kingston Fire Hall on Sparky Street in Kingston.
See you on the 26th May, our 1st Paper Arts A Thon!

Happy Stamper,
Myleta Ross

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