Taryn O'Brien won the prize for highest pledges. I asked Taryn to provde a little write up for me to post. It describes how she raised the money for PAAT 2009 and I thought this information might be helpful for anyone who has difficulty asking for pledges.
Congratulations again Taryn for having the highest pledge sheet in 2009.
For PAAT#1, I wrote a check for 50$ because I really do not like asking folks to sponsor me for anything regardless of what it is. For PAAT#2, I got brave and did a mini bottle drive through the generosity of good friends and sold a few cards at work. That, coupled with my personal donation of 50$, netted 100$. For PAAT#3, I pulled out all the stops.
I didn’t set out with any sort of goal or dream for raising funds this year, but once I got going it just added up!
Having purchased a rather large TV after Christmas, I was taking a nap one Sunday afternoon and as I was surfacing I had an idea. Why not host a movie night once a month until PAAT, invite friends in the nieghbourhood and see what happens? So, each second Friday of the month for January, February, March and April I welcomed folks into my home to watch a movie with me. They were asked to bring their beverage of choice and a freewill donation; I provided the popcorn. What a hoot! Each time we met, the chatting session at the beginning was longer and longer as people got to know each other and made connections. Apparently, the evening became a welcome respite from the winter blues so that was a really neat to hear. More than one person has asked if I can do it again next year!
Encouraged by the totals, I decided to extend my creativity to my work location. I made a batch of peanut brittle, packaged it in cute little cellophane bags, and sold it for two bucks a pop. Then, I hosted coffee break each day for a week at my work location, Despite the fact I was exhausted at the end of the week having baked every single night, it was totally worth it as I added the booty to the bank account.
Time flew, and it was time for PAAT#3. My gal pal Joline came all the way from Bathurst to attend for the second year and we packed up her car and headed to Middleton. Having arrived late, I was still in a bit of an organizing fog getting my stuff out and my table space ready for creating after I wrote a check and handed it to the Dream Team.
Imagine my surprise when Myleta (over the sound system) asked me to come up in front of the group. Then, she REALLY surprised me, because she announced I had won the prize for the most money raised for the cause! Holy Moly! I was flattened! Amazed! And SO PLEASED! I really had no idea I was in the running. The recognition meant a lot; the prize was just an added bonus. I couldn’t have done it without the support of friends and colleagues helping me Kick Cancer in the Butt (funds to prostate cancer research, remember…)!
Taryn raised over $700. for the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada, now Prostate Cancer Canada.